MuslimsofLA is a 501(c)non-profit organization made to Serve Humanity regardless of Race or Religion . We are creating opportunity to help tackle starvation and help humanity throughout Southern California . Providing alternatives to help the inner city youth from Drug abuse and Gang Violence by creating positive events to give back to the community , workshops to establish new life skills and guidance with a peaceful safe environment . We’ve conducted many essential drives and events such as

Monthly Food Drives , Hygiene Kits, Shoes and Blanket Drives aswell as Workshops for the community allover South California .

Together we can make a difference !

One block at a time .

Our Next Event !

  • Sandwich Assembly Drive

    September 7th

    1:00 PM Start Time

    Islamic Center of Irvine

Current Projects

  • Project SHIFA

    Muslims of LA is joining hands with Hospitals in Los Angeles providing them with SHIFA Kits which consist of :

    Eng translation of The Quran

    Prayer Mat with Compass

    Dua Shifa (cure) book

    Prayer Beads


    will be given to Muslim Patients in Hospitals

  • Homeless Food Drives

    Muslim of LA is helping tackle starvation in Southern California by doing weekly food drives to provide Warm Meals & Hygiene Kits to the community .

  • Blanket Drives

    Muslims of La conducts New warm blanket drives once a month to help those in need of blankets , socks and warm caps .

  • Family Aid Burial Service

    Muslims of La is assisting with families in Southern California who arent able to make ends meet financially for an appropriate Islamic Burial .

  • Community Workshops

    Creating opportunities to learn and develops new skills in all aspects of life .

  • Community Food Drives

    Monthly Food distribution for everyone and anyone that is in need of food essentials .

  • Volunteer Appreciation Events

    Without our volunteers we wouldnt be able to make the postive impact we do to thousands of individuals on a monthly bases .

  • Project HIMAYA

    Muslims of LA Sisters creates safe spaces for women of all of races & ethnicities to come together & support each other through wellness check ins. We also conduct women empowerment workshops & provide self defense kits for women all over SoCal.



Please support our projects so we can keep making a positive difference in the community.

Muslims of la is a tax-exempt 501(c) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible

(TAX I.D. #88-3245964)