MuslimsofLA is a 501(c)non-profit organization made to Serve Humanity regardless of Race or Religion . We are creating opportunity to help tackle starvation and help humanity throughout Southern California . Providing alternatives to help the inner city youth from Drug abuse and Gang Violence by creating positive events to give back to the community , workshops to establish new life skills and guidance with a peaceful safe environment . We’ve conducted many essential drives and events such as
Monthly Food Drives , Hygiene Kits, Shoes and Blanket Drives aswell as Workshops for the community allover South California .
Together we can make a difference !
One block at a time .
Our Next Event !
Sandwich Assembly Drive
September 7th
1:00 PM Start Time
Islamic Center of Irvine
Current Projects
Project SHIFA
Muslims of LA is joining hands with Hospitals in Los Angeles providing them with SHIFA Kits which consist of :
Eng translation of The Quran
Prayer Mat with Compass
Dua Shifa (cure) book
Prayer Beads
will be given to Muslim Patients in Hospitals
Homeless Food Drives
Muslim of LA is helping tackle starvation in Southern California by doing weekly food drives to provide Warm Meals & Hygiene Kits to the community .
Blanket Drives
Muslims of La conducts New warm blanket drives once a month to help those in need of blankets , socks and warm caps .
Family Aid Burial Service
Muslims of La is assisting with families in Southern California who arent able to make ends meet financially for an appropriate Islamic Burial .
Community Workshops
Creating opportunities to learn and develops new skills in all aspects of life .
Community Food Drives
Monthly Food distribution for everyone and anyone that is in need of food essentials .
Volunteer Appreciation Events
Without our volunteers we wouldnt be able to make the postive impact we do to thousands of individuals on a monthly bases .
Project HIMAYA
Muslims of LA Sisters creates safe spaces for women of all of races & ethnicities to come together & support each other through wellness check ins. We also conduct women empowerment workshops & provide self defense kits for women all over SoCal.